
A Word From Your Captain

source An artist's impression of the planet :e...Image via Wikipedia

Once again, it's time to refuel. Today's docking will be Kobe in Lucifer. Tomorrow we'll deliver our Asher hauls and count the money. I'll try and approximate the benefit of the trip for the trainees out in the Sphere. Minimum 100k for a run to the Anvil if done correctly. Probably more if you load the ship completely.

Picked up schems for implants that I can't wait to try out, so look for the discussion on implants in the game very soon.
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Habitat 86- Verec Per

We've stopped to refuel. Several Asher stores are scattered throughout the Verec Per, and I've picked up about three loads to take back to the Sphere. The schematic store on 86 is full of some great level one implant schems. Entering the Anvil tomorrow.

Everyone loves a Wiki.

A Word From Your Captain

The Eagle Nebula (M16): Peering Into the Pilla...Image by Smithsonian Institution via Flickr

This week I stopped all production in my factories, pulled up my extractors and hit the road. It's my first trip through the Verec Per!

At the moment, we are docked here in Mostony at the HOI annex. This is the beginning of our trip, and I intend to take us down through the Anvil and back up to my headquarters. The Annex here has a plethora of shops for crafters and haulers. Prices at these shops are high, but you pay for convenience. Otherwise, you'll be waiting for the GBM to produce your massive order. It's also somewhat worth it to buy small quantities instead of the 100 GBM requirement.

There only a few ship-board rules. 1. Don't mess with the Ribblez. They bite. 2. Nobody touches the teleportation device but the captain. NOBODY. 3. I determine the tunes. Otherwise, make yourself comfortable. This could be a long, long trip.

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The Hauler's Guide to the Universe- Torc

LONG BEACH, CA - SEPTEMBER 08:  Trucks are dri...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Torc is located in a galaxy known as the Forge and hauling passengers there is good pay. It borders on the Verec Per galaxy which is a standing rating for all of us. I'd suggest a road trip each time. Yes, it costs fuel, but you gain experience, standing and plenty of coin for your time.

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To Guild, or Not to Guild

Guilding has been a positive experience for me. The link to my guild's site is in the links list to the right, but that plug aside. . . you have to decide if you're a joiner.

Some guilds have requirements of level or activity. Tagon's Toughs focuses on a mercenary lifestyle within the Universe of the game. Get to know your guild before you commit time and funds to it. Ask around. Reputations in this game get around.

I also recommend finding the guild that suits your game play. For example, I wanted a team oriented group of buddies in the game and found that in Intelliquest. Plus, there was the funky alien mascot.
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The Hauler's Guide to the Universe- The Anvil

AnvilImage via Wikipedia

This week I intend to thoroughly explore outside the Sphere. Sphere planets are safe, but the real money is out there. The Anvil is the first stop.

That first jump is a doozy, so save up your fuel, maybe stop off in Vesesia for a bit. Have a brew and relax because the real work is ahead of you. Taking Union passengers from Sphere planets to Kobe in Lucifer is big money.

Now, I prefer the Anvil so far because of it's proximity to my home base, but also the relative safety of it. Yes, it's risky out there and newbies should never head out there looking for a fight, but it's a hauler's paradise. Two things you'll possibly need are a minimum six passenger cabin or a nice size cargo hold. Ship size matters. I've waited to explore until I upgraded my ship and developed the necessary survival skills to make it outside the Sphere.

In my explorations, I've discovered only one thing about the Anvil. Passengers, passengers, passengers. The fuel cost is very large 216 units from Vesesia to Lucifer, but you can park in the Anvil and load up while you wait. It would be simple to make 100,000 on return passengers alone! So the Anvil Galaxy gets my five-star Union endorsement.

Happy Hauling!
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The Hauler's Guide to the Universe- Installment 1

Like any other ship's captain, I've struggled with scheduling. The most important thing you can do is set up a route, and, as in any other business, you must know where you're going and what you need to do when you get there. Here's an example:

Multi-tasking is essential. Any given morning, I plan my route around the bulk of my business. That business is in Ghoulshroud and Cranmore where I extract precious resources, sometimes for sale and sometimes for production. When I pick up an Ashar or Wesbec haul, I focus on those systems first because that's where I'm headed this morning first thing. Same thing with Union passengers. Passengers can be profitable, especially if you were headed there anyway. Over the course of a morning's haul you can watch you ship account grow steadily, if you think to look for things to ship.

Happy Hauling!


New NPC on Meltram

The addition of the courier faction to Core Exiles this week has led to the addition of a courier NPC on Meltram in the Ethan system. Carole Charmaine

Carole is the NPC that gains courier faction for beginners. Courier careers begin on Meltram.


Gal-Fed Bulletin

The most trusted source for Sphere news!

Settlement News

Commercial Store TransportC.S.T.SN/A
Halo CertificationCertificate Store10%
Commercial StorageCommercial StorageN/A
Joes SuppliesCommodities MarketN/A
Engineering Processing StationEngineeringN/A
Gleso IndustriesGleso IndustriesN/A
JR GalacticSettlement Construction10%
Hoathlan EnterprisesSettlement Systems6%
Svens Barter StoreSvens BarterN/A
Wesbec HaulageWesbec Trade OfficeN/A

House of Intelliquest gets a triple A rating for availability of services. It's located in Franklyn over Cranmore and serves as the base of operations for the Intelliquest Guild and Siren Industries.

In other news, Roger Olfart's newest settlement was attacked by pirates this week. The finance mogul vows to repair the damage and open for business immediately.

Business News

The GBM shows demand for Electronic Components is still high, topping the market at 350 CPU. Water and Wood are both starting around 50 CPU today.

Political News

The government came under criticism today for their denials of heavy reports of alien activity despite evidence to the contrary. No one has been available for contact. Though the Alien Justice League issued a statement asking the public not to over-react to the reports.

The Manufacturing Sector as a Career

Lightning cityImage by wvs via Flickr

Core Exiles has a multitude of careers to choose from, but the best aspect of the game is the ability to pick up and change careers on a dime. With careful thought, you can earn or purchase IP resets to change your skill levels. The choice we're focused on for this article is Manufacturing and Crafting, since that is my field.

Purchasing factories to produce goods can be profitable, but you absolutely need to know the market. For instance, as a beginner, I lucked out and chose well. Ready meals are cheap to make requiring only rice, water and cereal; all very inexpensive resources. They are also in moderate, yet constant, demand due to several NPC missions. Other good choices, for the same reason, are commercial brews, frozen meats, and things like games, sports goods and children's goods. These are all NPC items of good value. Before you buy your factory, spend some time doing these missions with an eye toward the goods you intend to manufacture.

Crafting can be at once risky and profitable. The risk involves the cost of the materials like biogenetic goods or refined metal. Once you buy them, you're going to have to make something you can sell on the player market to other players. Schematics also cost a pretty penny.

My advice is to specialize. All players need EBKs, so that's a good place to start. These are found under the heading engineering and repair your ship after a fight. It's a consumable. Find out what's used most. Make that. There will be stops and starts. You can expect to make things that don't sell right at that moment. Just move to the next thing, something will sell.

The final thing to remember is that if you don't like making commodities or crafting, stop. There are tons of other professions for a Core Exiles player, and it's all about the fun.

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