
Gal-Fed Bulletin

The most trusted source for Sphere news!

Settlement News

Commercial Store TransportC.S.T.SN/A
Halo CertificationCertificate Store10%
Commercial StorageCommercial StorageN/A
Joes SuppliesCommodities MarketN/A
Engineering Processing StationEngineeringN/A
Gleso IndustriesGleso IndustriesN/A
JR GalacticSettlement Construction10%
Hoathlan EnterprisesSettlement Systems6%
Svens Barter StoreSvens BarterN/A
Wesbec HaulageWesbec Trade OfficeN/A

House of Intelliquest gets a triple A rating for availability of services. It's located in Franklyn over Cranmore and serves as the base of operations for the Intelliquest Guild and Siren Industries.

In other news, Roger Olfart's newest settlement was attacked by pirates this week. The finance mogul vows to repair the damage and open for business immediately.

Business News

The GBM shows demand for Electronic Components is still high, topping the market at 350 CPU. Water and Wood are both starting around 50 CPU today.

Political News

The government came under criticism today for their denials of heavy reports of alien activity despite evidence to the contrary. No one has been available for contact. Though the Alien Justice League issued a statement asking the public not to over-react to the reports.