
Factory Requirements by Coops

Zboże poleImage via Wikipedia

Medical Components
Inert Gas
Refined Chemicals,

Biogenetic Goods
Reactive Gas
Traylon Gas
Medical Components

Civilian Grade Ammunition
Reactive Gas
Alucite Ore

Construction Components
Iron Ore
Copper Ore

Refined Metal
Electronic Components

Electronic Components
Copper Ore
Alucite Ore

High Tech Components
Radioactive Stocks
Iron Ore
Refined Chemicals

Technological Goods
High Tech Components
Electronic Components
Refined Metal

Textile Goods
Agro Grow
Tinned Goods
Alucite Ore
Food Goods
Frozen Meats
Reactive Gas
Refined Chemicals

Ready Meals

Refined Chemicals

Fashion Clothing
Synthetic Silk
Textile Goods
Refined Metal

Musical Instruments
Refined Metal

Electronic Components
Refined Chemicals

Festive Goods
Synthetic Silk
Textile Goods

Horticultural Goods
Agro Grow

Civilian Goods
Inert Gas
Copper Ore

Commercial Furniture
Refined Metal

Domestic Furniture
Refined Metal
Animal Pelts

Childrens Goods
Synthetic Silk
Alucite Ore

Sports Goods
Electronic Components

Commercial Technology
High Tech Components
Electronic Components
Textile Goods

Commercial Brews
Refined Chemicals

Domestic Chemicals
Traylon Gas
Reactive Gas
Refined Chemicals
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GBM Market Weekend Report For June 12

GBM rose for the weekend with several commodities topping the list. Isotopes, Copper Ore and High Grade Electronics are all high with long range demand. Hyper O2 is running at a high of 650.  There is some demand for after market products this weekend. Construction components, historical artifacts and electronic components topping the list.

Highs are: copper ore rising 75, electronics at 250, High Grade electronics sitting at 1100, narcotics rising 17,7 and Isotopes steady at 100. Refined metal rising at 117, Synthetic Silk hitting a huge high at 500 credits. Unstable Infernanium rising at 1800.

Enjoy your weekend, Core Exiles!
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Starting Over

Taken in Megeve, FranceImage via Wikipedia
Passanova was nothing more than a rock to Maeven. She inspected her extractor manifests with an eagle eye, and she kept her head down. Ever since the Verec, she’d changed. She knew she had.

    Maeven made her way to the loading dock in the brisk cold. Her parka kept out the worst of the wind, but her cheeks had to be red and chapped. She didn’t understand why, but it seemed like all the fuel wells were located in the coldest parts of the planet.

    The rickety step to the dock surface made her slow. Snow would blow in again in just a few hours. Maeven wanted her business done and to be tucked in neatly to the Marauder that she called home in dock. She was a dock rat now, living shipboard as she went. She wasn’t working for security and peace of mind anymore. Thanks to Jack, she’d learned that safety was just a pretty illusion. The more you had, or seemed to have, the more someone wanted it.

    These days she ran her extractors and carried the goods to market, and that was all. The Siren sat back in the far slot being loaded with oxygen tanks. It was the Siren she had now, but it didn’t compare to the Corsair she’d lost. There was one poky, drafty bunk, and the rest she’d converted to maximize space. She couldn’t afford  passenger amenities these days. She’d go out of her mind if she had to talk to anyone anyway.

    Her breath blew clouds before her as she approached the loading boss. “Frank, she about ready?”

    “ She’s ready, but you won’t beat the storm out of here tonight. Launches are shut down. You’ll have to wait it out. “

    She’d expected that. “ Any posts for me?”

    “Check your box. You got a couple bills of sale waiting. Ladislov wanted me to tell you to look this time”, he said.

    Maeven almost rolled her eyes at the thought. Laddy liked to get all creepy and possessive whenever they were planetside at the same time. He controlled the docks, and the gambling and the everything else on Passonova. Mae  wasn’t in the position she once had been. She couldn’t just tell him where to get off these days, not with Gal-fed intelligence watching her and not when he had all the power. So she let him be creepy, as long as it was done from a distance.

    “I’ll look”, she said. Frank handed her the new manifests and a  pad to sign. “See you in a couple cycles, Frank.”

    “Fly straight, Mae. “  The burly dock boss turned to the next customer as Mae took the longest but safest path around the loading equipment  which was massive. Her little Marauder took them no time at all to load up. She’d have to    move the Siren Song up to the departure docks. She sighed. That meant another docking fee. There were more fees than she could afford  these days.

    As she fired up the ship, she set the newsfeed to run while she was still planetbound. It had been set to dump several different search filters into her box. One of those was Jack Hardcourt just to be sure. The engines whined out of the loading dock, and Maeven took a glance at the screen. Several things had dumped tonight. Her stomach clenched. She sent her docking request over the shipboard.

    “Captain Hall, bay 650Northeast is open. We are awaiting payment.”
    She hit the necessary coded signal linked to her pitiful account. “Proceed, Captain Hall. Enjoy your evening.” Maeven snorted. Snowed in on a launch dock in Jaster. Let the party begin.

    After she docked, Maeven switched the ship lights and power to stubshift settings. Stubshift was the punishment shift on a big ship, or sometimes you just got unlucky. You work while everyone else is sleeping soundly in their bunks. Bluelights ran the length of the bridge, as Maeven focused on the screen. It was enough to read in the low light. She started the transfer of files to read.

    Ladislov sent several mails along with the bills of sale. She would have to fire off a gracious reply after launch tomorrow. Do it tonight, and he might send a transport for her with an equally “gracious” invitation to dinner she couldn’t refuse. After those charming , she looked over the newsfeeds. 

    Jack Hardcourt acquited of multiple murder charges.  

    Mae sat back hard in her seat. The tricky bastard had beaten the charge just like he’d said he would. She’d seen him fire the rifle. Oh, he’d killed them all right, and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer crew. Unfortunatly, it hadn’t mattered who he killed. They’d all been outsiders, and he’d been arrested. She and Grimm had just gotten the beating of their lives. Outlaw justice. There’d been a bounty on Hardcourt.

    She’d gotten out of the infirmary first and discovered her ship confiscated by the local law. Her cargo was taken, and her debt swallowed up a huge chunk of her nest egg. Grimm’s treatment took most of the rest.

    By the time Maeven had acquired a ship and limped into port at Passanova, she’d been wiped out. Grimm recovered and signed on as a dock mechanic over on SB-101. Things still weren’t right between them.  One more thing she could lay at the feet of Hardcourt. God help that pirate if he showed up in her life again!

    Mae pushed a button angrily shutting down the console. Nothing would get her out of Jaster again. Her reputation was shot anyway. As a hauler, you couldn’t be associated with notorious criminals and pirates and expect to get a load. Wesbec wouldn’t even look twice at her these days, so she produced and moved her own goods. So she would continue.

    The ship bunk recessed into the back wall of the run-down bridge, so she didn’t have far to go to fall into her rack. She’d wait out the storm and head over to the manufacturing facility tomorrow. Maeven wrapped up in a blanket wondering if Grimm had forgiven her any of her sins yet. She’d find out in the morning, she thought.  Sighing, she burrowed in and went to sleep.

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O.R.S.A. : extracting Core Exiles fun

O. R. S. A. faction is probably the easiest standing in the game to acquire. You drop extractors and wait, then take your product to market or use it to craft valuable equipment. You can also set up factories at some point and make expensive goods for sale. There is, however, a little work involved, namely the gathering of resources and equipment.

I came back to the game just a week ago. It's amazing how quickly you move once you know the game. I've started buying schems for extractors and reached level 17 within days. Building your own equipment is essential for this faction. It's cheaper and makes you completely independent in a very short period of time. Once you finish those NPC missions and the XP well dries up. Crafting and extraction can really build up your level.

My favorite location is in Jaster in the Confed territory, however, Franklyn is a great system to start in as well. Currently, I've found that Jaster makes the most sense. Starbase 101 acts as headquarters where I send all my product before I process it. Some will be sorted to keep for crafting and some will go to San Gallen or the player market. SB101 has a market. (You may have to consider traffic at the PM)SB101 isn't the most well-trafficked, but it is central. It's also a crafting center surrounded by resources. That works for me. Thrace, one jump away, is also teeming with O.R.S.A. locations. Franklyn has some of the same benefits for the beginner.

Happy Shoveling!


Back in the Saddle Again

Gibbous Moon (NASA, International Space Statio...Image by nasa1fan/MSFC via Flickr
I've headquartered out of Jaster this time and joined the Brotherhood. It's not a cult. It's a guild. Already an extremely helpful one. Core Exiles is a big game, and one can use all the help one can get.

Since my last play, the game has added a festive center on Toliver Station that works much like Svens. You trade in prize items for points. That's located in Kendra.

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