
Core Exiles- Building Your Fortune.

Starting right at the bottom is what every exile does in this game. It's one of the appealing factors. It's also one of the major challenges, especially, if you can't sit in front of your computer for days at a time. What are the best ways to make credits? I haven't found a magic bullet, but I thought I'd do a run down for beginners.

Mining- Using drones, mining and refining ore for sale is lucrative. Refined ore can run in the range of 200 to 300 CPU. CPU is the in game equivalent of US dollars. However, it lacks some excitement and challenge. Your refining skill has an effect on how much refined ore you net.

Hauling- This is one of my faves. Passengers are willing to pay for out-of-sphere destinations. Combining trade runs with passenger runs can add up.

Combat- Okay, loot is good. I like loot, but combat doesn't make me much given the time and money put into it. It's great for experience and releasing pent-up aggression, but it's not my favorite money-maker.

Manufacturing- That is how I spend a large amount of my in-game time. Mainly, it's fun for me. I like making the goods and hauling them to market. I like retail. What can I say? It may make more credits in future, but right now it's not my most lucrative business. Maybe I'm not doing it right . . . yet.

Piracy- I am very anti-pirate, so be warned! It's been said that crime does pay. I'm unconvinced because hunting criminals hasn't worked out for me yet. If they had loot, wouldn't I have it?

Extraction- Okay, here's my money maker. If I put my mind to it, this turns a hefty profit. Look for the winners and go extracting. May I suggest: water, wood and oats. There always seem to be contracts out for these resources. Many of them. It also leads me to the next money machine.

Crafting- A large portion of my largess (if it can be called that) comes from building things. Drones, extractors, and ship accessories are my best things. My method here is to buy all the coordinating schems for certain items, specialize.

Okay, I'm out of time. Let me know how you make your fortune!

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